Positive plurisubharmonic currents: Generalized Lelong numbers and Tangent theorems (Viet-Anh NGUYEN - Université de Lille)
Séminaire « Analyse complexe et équations différentielles »
salle Kampé de Fériet
Dinh--Sibony theory of tangent and density currents is a recent but powerful tool to study positive closed currents. Over twenty years ago, Alessandrini and Bassanelli initiated the theory of the Lelong number of a positive plurisubharmonic current in \Ck$\mathbb{C}^k$ along a linear subspace. Although the latter theory is intriguing, it has not yet been explored in-depth since then. Introducing the concept of the generalized Lelong numbers and studying these new numerical values, we extend both theories to a more general class of positive plurisubharmonic currents and in a more general context of ambient manifolds.
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