Inga Valentiner-Branth (Université de Gand) : High-dimensional expanders from Kac--Moody--Steinberg groups
Séminaires Séminaire « Géométrie dynamique » math
Salle Visio, M3
High-dimensional expanders are a generalization of the notion of expander graphs to simplicial complexes and give rise to a variety of applications in computer science and other fields. We construct new high-dimensional expanders from quotients of certain Kac-Moody-Steinberg groups, using their rich structure. These groups are developments of complexes of groups related to groups of Lie type and their generalizations.
In this talk, both concepts, high-dimensional expansion and Kac-Moody-Steinberg groups, will be introduced and an overview over our construction will be given. This is based on a joint work with L. Grave de Peralta.

Lamination géodésique. Adam Majewski, CC BY-SA 3.0
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