Ihs varieties as symplectic quotients of ihs manifolds (Annalisa Grossi)

Séminaire « Géométrie algébrique »
Kampé de Fériet (M2, 1er étage)
We aim at constructing ihs varieties with trivial algebraic regular fundamental group starting from an ihs manifold X and a finite group G of symplectic actions on X. I will present some work in progress in the case where X is a generalized Kummer fourfold or an O’Grady’s sixfold. The case of generalized Kummer fourfolds is the content of a joint work with Bertini, Capasso, Mauri and Mazzon. Moreover I will present some classification results about symplectic birational transformations of manifolds of OG6 type (joint work with Onorati and Veniani) and how these results could be exploited for our purpose.

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