Complex Geometry, Dynamics and Probability

Salle de réunion, Bât M2

Monday, July 8th

  • 09:00-09:30 Welcome to the participants

  • 09:30-10:15 George MARINESCU (Universität zu Köln): Tian's approximation theorem for Moishezon spaces

  • 10:15-10:40 Coffee break

  • 10:40-11:25 Dan COMAN (Syracuse University): Zeros of random holomorphic sections of big line bundles with continuous metrics

  • 11:30-12:15 Romain DUJARDIN (Sorbonne Université): On the dynamical Manin-Mumford conjecture for plane polynomial maps

  • Lunch

  • 14:30-15:30 HDR defense of Fabrizio BIANCHI (Université de Lille & Università di Pisa): Thermodynamics and bifurcations in several complex variables (Thermodynamique et bifurcations à plusieurs variables complexes)

  • 15:30-16:30 Jury deliberations

  • 14:00-16:30 Coffee and Tea available

  • 17:00 Pot de thèse (drinks party)

Tuesday, July 9th

  • 09:00-09:30 Coffee and Tea available

  • 09:30-10:15 Tien-Cuong DINH (National University of Singapore & Sorbonne Université): Siu's theorem for positive pluriharmonic currents

  • 10:15-10:40 Coffee break

  • 10:40-11:25 Guokuan SHAO (Sun Yat-Sen University): Recent progress on holomorphic Morse inequalities

  • 11:30-12:15 Mihai-Marius TIBAR (Université de Lille): Enumerative Geometry of the Gradient

  • Lunch

  • 14:00-16:30 Coffee break and open discussions

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